Learn more about the principles of somatic movement methods and related modalities that focus on the mind-body connection and self-exploration.

What is somatic exercise and how can it boost your wellbeing?

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While somatic movement is often compared to yoga – the two are very different. “Somatics is an exploration, not an exercise,” points out Nahid de Belgeonne, somatic movement coach, author of Soothe, the book your nervous system has been long for and founder of The Human Method. The focus is on physical sensations, emotions and feelings as opposed to the end result, or what the movement looks like.

Somatic movement teacher reeducates brain to relieve pain

PEAK, voice of the qathet region

International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) reports that chronic pain is prevalent worldwide, including lower back and neck pain. Those who experience either or both conditions can attest that it is a major source of suffering.

A wide variety of medical experts, kinesiologists, physiotherapists and even professional dancers have been trying to figure out the best way to treat people in pain, and not just for the short term. qathet resident Emma Bashford is one such person, and her search for her own pain relief came from a practice called somatic movement.

Recent scientific study shows Hanna Somatic Education significantly reduced chronic low back and neck pain levels

Qiuju Huang, CHSE and Amani Ali Babgi

This retrospective study documented the effect of HSE sessions for 108 chronic pain patients at a health center in Saudi Arabia. The patients were all suffering from chronic pain in lower back and/or neck. After 2-5 weekly or biweekly sessions of HSE, participants experienced highly significant reductions in pain. Additionally, participants reported significant reductions in the usage of pain medication as well as visits to doctors for pain management.